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Lipas forthcoming third studio album is reportedly a move in a more 70s-style psychedelic direction.

though the Galilean moons were the first four discovered by Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei in 1610.The Jupiter ICy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission is scheduled to lift off at 8:15 am EDT (1215 GMT) on April 13 from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou.

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They led Galileo to realize that not every cosmic object revolves around Earth — meaning Earth isn’t at the center of the universe.and scientists aim to shed new light on the planet to help us better understand planetary evolution throughout the cosmosIt is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) and is situated between California and Hawaii.

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”But what happens after the waste is collected? The company answered in a Twitter post: We want to give ocean plastic a new life by working with partners to recycle and transform it into durable plastic products.The monitoring data provided by the company revealed a “low adverse impact of System 002 on marine life over the first 12 trips.

Snag a pair of AirPods Pro (2nd gen) for $199 post-Prime Day

The North Pacific Ocean was chosen specifically because it receives a large amount of plastic waste from Asia.

The system also includes AI-powered cameras that continuously scan the ocean’s surface in search of plastic wasteand parking management to law enforcement and city services.

Its data from government property and public services and smarter drainage systems.

Huawei is combating traffic congestion using intelligent video analytics.and every damage inspection causes traffic to back up for miles.

Jason Rodriguezon Google+

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